For things that already have well-known names, the real estate industry enjoys inventing novel, occasionally perplexing terms to describe them.

“The great room” is one expression that has spread widely but is not always clearly understood.

Although living rooms and front rooms differ from great rooms, their functions are the same. So what exactly is a great room used for? Find out now.

A great room is a sizable room on the ground floor that is situated in or close to the center of the house, as most real estate agents and new home sales consultants will tell you.

You can turn a great room into a living room by adding couches, comfy chairs, and a TV that people can gather around. Although a great room can serve as a living room, a living room can’t always serve as a great room because the area is bigger than a typical living room.


Great Rooms: Their Benefits

Furniture of different sizes and shapes can be put together in a great room to make different areas that can be used for different things.

In a great room, for instance, there can be couches for lounging, reading, and socializing; cozy chairs in the corners or around a mantle for reading and relaxing; a bar for hosting guests; coffee tables for dining; and plenty of open floor space for kids to run around and play.

The lack of walls between the different seating areas gives great rooms a sense of space and makes them good for many different kinds of gatherings.

One of the most important characteristics of great rooms is their adaptability. A great room, in contrast to a living room, is multifunctional and can serve as a place to eat, relax, host events, and even serve as a primary sleeping quarter.

Even though they may have smaller tables for eating and drinking, great rooms are not meant to take the place of formal dining areas.

Great rooms, however, typically connect to the house’s kitchen and dining area.

Here are some suggestions for great rooms to consider if you’re concerned about their size or want to maximize the space they’re allotted.

Four Tips for Making Your Great Room More Functional

1. Easy Changes

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Because great rooms connect to other rooms in the house, it’s important to make those spaces feel distinct.

Choosing specific transitions is an excellent way to achieve this. For instance, ceiling beams and decorative archways quickly signal a change of space.

You can also keep the character of the kitchen or dining room while using different light fixtures or flooring materials.

2. Emphasis

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In addition to including different kinds of furniture, adding decorative trim to the walls and choosing distinct color palettes can help differentiate all the sections of a great room.

Warm colors around cozy chairs and cool colors around larger seating areas can make the whole great room feel more intimate and manageable.

3. Moveable furnitures

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While people tend to push furniture toward the walls, one of the best aspects of a great room is its capacity for floating furniture. Leaving couches, tables, ottomans, and chairs out in the open can make the space feel more enticing to use.

Especially for great rooms with large square footage, there’s nothing less hospitable than sitting against a wall and feeling like you’re ten feet from the nearest person.

4. Big, beautiful Windows

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Great rooms are an excellent way to let in more natural light and reduce the amount of electricity used for artificial lighting in your home.

Most great rooms are filled with natural light because there are so many windows along the outside walls. In addition, because there are no internal walls, light can freely reflect off of each surface.

Now that you know the elements that make a room great, contact homes4india to learn how we can help you design the perfect home, down to the finest detail, without breaking the bank.

Further Reading

How to make a Vastu Positive Home with Colours

7 bedroom designs that are both inexpensive and simple to recreate.

5 Clever and Inexpensive Kitchen Remodeling Tips

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